For Love

I came home from college for a quick weekend trip, only to discover that Max has yet again grown. Not only is he taller, but his voice has gotten deeper. Little brother is growing up… why can’t he be a sweet little boy forever? Anyways, I guess I should tell my story.

My parents have started working with Max trying to make him be more responsible. He has chores every week, and if he does them he is given an allowance. Now he will understand that he needs to use his own money when he wants to buy a new game for his Xbox or his Nintendo DS.
I took Max and Therese to our favorite Mexican Restaurant for dinner so my parents could have a night out. Max had his allowance to pay for his own meal. He proudly walked up to the counter to pay for his meal and offered to buy me a lollipop… so stinking cute. He also went back to the table to leave a tip… He left the restaurant with 5 single dollar bills stuffed in his pocket.
Then we decided to stop at a red box to rent The Hunger Games for the night.  Although Max was a trooper and sat through the movie in theatre, he wasn’t interested in watching again.  As we are pulling into the parking lot, Therese told Max that we will get him a movie for himself as long as he pays for it.
Therese: “It’s only a dollar Max.”
Me: “Well actually it’s now like $1.50 but that’s okay I can just get it for him…”
As I pull into the parking spot Max is fumbling in his pocket, mumbling to himself something about 3 dollars for him and 2 dollars for Mary…
Max: “Here Mary…” (as he is handing me the $2)
Mary:  “Oh Max, you don’t have to give me your 2 dollars. That’s okay I can pay for it.”
Max: “No Mary, for love!”

A smile crossed my face.  He doesn’t need to buy my love, he already has it!  I love him so much!! He is such a sweetheart!
