Gaston’s Groupie

This past weekend was full of excitement for Max: FaceTiming his nephew, celebrating his birthday, hanging out with his brother and sisters who came into town and… attending Therese’s school play! This semester Tess’ high school produced Beauty and the Beast and our lovely sister played the role of Mrs. Potts. Or as Max accidently informed me, Therese was “Mrs. Teacup”

Mrs. Potts after the spell had been broken. Somehow Max managed to get a picture with everyone except his sister!

Mrs. Potts after the spell had been broken. Somehow Max managed to get a picture with everyone except his sister!

Since Therese’s first debut, Max has fallen in love with the theatre. He is so excited to go to high school next year so that he can be a part of all the drama! That’s why I was slightly surprised when about 20 minutes into the first act Max turned to me and said, “Grace, um, what time is dis o-fer?” I had to chuckle and tell him that I didn’t know. I just assumed that the teenage boy was just not as enthralled with this princess as he had been with Javert in Les Mis. (Later Max explained that it was because the beast made him nervous– I mean, it was some really good acting!)

Max...keeping his eye on the Beast

Max…keeping his eye on the Beast

“Mrs. Teacup” was amazing, as always. I had multiple people tell me that her voice gave them goosebumps–she gave me goosebumps too! Max however, was much more interested in another character… Gaston.

Despite the bumpy start because the Beast made Max nervous, Max soon found a reason to like the play. It wasn’t long before Max was obsessed with this macho man. And with each performance, Max’s admiration grew. It started with Max dancing in his seat to Gaston’s songs and at the final curtain yelling out, “Yeah Gaston! I love you!” He insisted on taking a picture with his idol that first night. Jake, staying true to his character, flexed his muscles for the picture. Naturally, Max had to do the same.

Flexin' just like the big kids

Flexin’ just like the big kids

The second night, Max was once again singing and dancing in his seat. After proclaiming his love at the final curtain, he once again rushed out to say hello to all the actors, his sister, her friends…and sure enough… Gaston. This time he managed to squeeze Jake’s bicep. I thought for sure I had lost Max to Machodom on that third and final night when I saw Max flexing in his seat and mirroring Gaston’s moves.

But something happened…a flip-switched. Max found Lumiere’s (the candlestick) performance to be especially hilarious that night. Thus Max has started imitating him as well.

If anyone sees a cute 15 year old with Downs, running around flexing his muscles and saying things like, “oohohoho..” and “yooo-hooo!” in a french accent… he belongs to me.

Maxie with some of his best buds (Therese's friends)

Maxie with some of his best buds (Therese’s friends)