Max’s New Year’s Resolutions

The following took place a couple days ago…

Me: “Hey Max- wanna write some New Year’s Resolutions?”

Max: “No.”

Me: “Do you even know what a resolution is?”

Max: “No- what.”

Me: “They’re things you come up with that you’d like to change about yourself or your life in the coming year; it could be that you want to do more of something good…or less of something bad…”

Max: “No. Don’t want to do that.”

Me: “What if I put it on the blog?”

Max: “….ok.”

In other words, Max is a total ham who will do anything for his adoring fans.

Thus- the following is a list of Max’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2014

1. Play more football

2. Watch more football

3. Play more football video games

4. Play more Apples to Apples (this means convincing unwilling siblings)

5. Eat more food

6. Take less bike rides– but wear my killer new bike helmet that Kelsey gave me for Christmas (see below for the visual)

7. Build a tree house

8. Play Zumba on the Wii

9. Love and marriage

10. Become an uncle (which he will around March 15 😀 )

11. Swim with the dolphins

12. Love girls (He tells me this and then winks at me when I tell him he better not be loving multiple girls)

Watch out 2014!! Max has big plans for you!!

Max’s new bike helmet from Kelsey– she and her husband will make Max an uncle this year!

(also- our New Year’s Resolution is to post more on this blog, which shouldn’t be difficult considering our current track record)



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