What Max Said

A few summers ago the family was at a Cleveland Indians game to celebrate Kelsey’s birthday.  Max was having a blast, we lucked out because it was Kids Day and there were tons of free activities going on.  He got to pet a boa constrictor, dance with some robots, and even run the bases and meet some of the players after the game!

After the game, we were waiting at a cross walk for the light to change, when I noticed a shady looking character on the otherside of the street…

He was the kind of person you don’t want to run into by yourself in a dark ally.  But Max, ever the optimist and a sweet soul, sees the good in everyone and did not let this fact phase him.  As the light changed we all started into the cross walk and with each step Max’s swagger became more confident.  When they were just a few feet apart Max, doing his best gangster impression, gave a head nod, and said “Hey Man.”

Not missing a beat, the big, old, scary guy replied “Hey Homie”

Upon hearing this Max broke out in a huge smile, looked at me and exclaimed, “He called me homie!”  excitement pulsed through his little body, you would have thought that he won the lottery!  We were both on the opposite side of the street at this point. but Max turned around, waving his arms in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs “THANKS DUDE!”